Isabella 's NICU Journey

A three month diary of our daughter, Isabella's fight to survive after being born 16 weeks early on February 7th, 2006.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Update #1 on Isabella Rose - February 20, 2006 - 15 days' old - Gestational Age: 26 weeks + 5 days

Hi there - I thought this might be the easiest way to reach a lot of you that have been asking about Isabella.

As some of you know, she had a challenging day today. Patrick was there with her all day while I waited at home and took Jade to her classes. Her heart surgeon said that she came through it very well - her heart murmer has been closed. The doctors described it as very routine and it only took about 20 minutes to make the incision and insert a staple to close the hole in her valve. She'll have that staple as a little souvenir for the rest of her life.

The doctors are hoping that the surgery will help correct some of the damage that's been happening, in the form of fluid build-up in her lungs, which was made worse by the murmer.

It will take Isabella only 24 hours to recover from her surgery, but during that time, she will seem worse before she seems better. So, although the next day or so will be no fun for anyone, we're hopeful that she'll be showing signs of progress soon.

Next for her is to get back to her brith weight (she is currently 660 grams but was born at 710 grams -about 1.5 lbs), get back to her feedings of formula (which had to be interrupted when the murmer was discovered), and most importantly perhaps, to have ber breathing tube extubated. While the tube is currently keeping those little lungs moving, it can cause
another flurry of complications that we'd like to avoid.

Thank you all for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It helps more than we can ever express, knowing that you are all pulling for her.

I'll try and keep you all updated via email every few days, or as Isabella reaches another triumphant milestone.

Much love,
Marcia, Patrick & Jade

P.S. Attached is a photo of Isabella from yesterday -14 days old/26.5 weeks . She's not exactly what we'd call a GAP baby yet, but to us, her "cute factor"increases a little every day.


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